It seemed like the wait was much too long but June 2007 finally got here. Day by day I watched Erin for signs
and she barely had a pregnant looking belly. There were days that I even thought she might not be in foal but assured
myself that it was only because this would be such a small foal.
Just a couple of days before she foaled, I moved Erin into the foaling area where I could keep in in sight better and
on the 25th of June, she foaled a tiny little black sabino filly. I had been working on names for a month already
and had my favorites spread out on the desk but it was a no brainer, this was Harmonee's Lil Perfection and she was just what
I had hoped for. She was a teeny, delicate looking little filly but tough as they come and all over the place with mom
Erin right there.
Sister - A week old foal and already moving out |
Sis at a month old |
Sister has been a true joy. She never went through any sort of foal antics like kicking or nipping for attention.
She's had the best manners from day one and has always stood still, loose in the pasture, for brushing, picking up and cleaning
her hooves and any sort of attention. She follows me out of the pasture, loose in the back yard to follow me into the barn
to do chores. Sis is socialized to llama's, dogs, cat, guineas running between her feet, chickens, some turkeys and
a couple of loud crowing roosters, the 4 wheeler and tractor and much more.
I had only put a halter on her a few times and she sticks her nose right in. I had planned to show her at
Ava in 2008 but between her lovely black coat sunburning and a tough year here with several family deaths and the death of
my MFT mule, it just seemed 2008 was not our year. I still have so much to learn so I took a deep breath and decided
to wait until 2009 to show Sis.
Sis as a yearling, trying on her MFT show halter |